Invisalign and Braces in Boca Raton

Achieving the smile you've always wanted shouldn't be a hassle. OrthoMike Orthodontics in Boca Raton is your go-to destination for a winning smile. Led by Dr. Michael Wiernicki, a renowned board-certified orthodontist, our practice offers tailored treatments to suit your lifestyle.

Located in the center of Palm Beach County, Boca Raton is an ideal orthodontic location due to its combination of coastal charm and refinement. Boca Raton provides a one-of-a-kind setting for our profession with its beautiful landscapes, thriving cultural offerings, and world-class events. In a warm and inviting setting, we at OrthoMike Orthodontics in Boca Raton are committed to creating stunning smiles.

Invisalign for kids Boca Raton

Reliable Orthodontist in Boca Raton

For those seeking a trusted orthodontist in Boca Raton, FL, OrthoMike Orthodontics stands out as the go-to choice. Here's why you can trust us with your orthodontic care:

Board-Certified Expertise

Dr. Michael Wiernicki, also known as “OrthoMike,” is a board-certified orthodontist who ensures top-notch care and cutting-edge treatments.

Positive Reviews and Reputation

Our practice always ensures that our patients are happy and satisfied. Explore our glowing reviews and discover why we're Boca Raton's preferred orthodontic provider.

Personalized Treatment

Your smile is as unique as you are. With personalized care, you can rest assured that you'll achieve the smile you've always wanted.

Commitment to Excellence

From the moment you walk through our doors, we're dedicated to providing the highest level of care, communication, and support.

Our Orthodontic Services

Here at OrthoMike Orthodontics, our number one priority is providing the personalized orthodontic treatment that every smile in Boca Raton deserves. The following treatments are available at our practice to meet that need:

  • Metal Braces
  • Clear Ceramic Braces
  • Invisible Lingual Braces
  • Invisalign
  • OrthoMike Clear Aligners

Braces Boca Raton FL

Braces have stood the test of time in correcting misalignment in patients’ teeth and jaws. With today's orthodontic advancements, braces are more effective, discreet, and practical. Being at the forefront of these developments, we offer braces that provide:

Time-Tested Effectiveness

Traditional braces have gone down in history, demonstrating their reliability and effectiveness in correcting a wide array of orthodontic issues.

Versatility in Addressing Cases

From minor misalignments to complex bite abnormalities, traditional braces can tackle a broad spectrum of orthodontic concerns with precision and effectiveness.

Customizable Options

With advancements in orthodontics, traditional braces now come in various materials, including stainless steel and clear ceramic, allowing you to choose what aligns best with your lifestyle and aesthetic preferences.

Predictable Results

With braces, Dr. Mike maintains precise control over the movement of your teeth, ensuring consistent progress and delivering predictable results.

What to Look Forward To

At OrthoMike Orthodontics, getting braces starts with a full initial visit. During this appointment, we look at your teeth and bite to figure out the best way to treat you. If you decide to get braces, Dr. Mike will carefully glue the brackets and archwires to your teeth. This will begin the process of slowly moving your teeth into place.

Getting your teeth adjusted regularly will help you make progress, with tightened wires moving your teeth into place. We'll give you important oral health tips to keep your mouth clean and reduce any risks that might come up during your treatment.

Invisalign Boca Raton FL

At OrthoMike Orthodontics in Boca Raton, we're excited to offer Invisalign as a modern and discreet alternative to traditional braces. Here's why clear aligners might be the perfect choice for your orthodontic journey:

Invisible Alignment

Invisalign utilizes clear aligners that are nearly invisible when worn, making them an excellent option for individuals who prefer a more discreet orthodontic treatment.

Removable Convenience

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods and maintain optimal oral hygiene with ease. Say goodbye to dietary restrictions and hello to hassle-free cleaning!

Comfortable Fit

Custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth, Invisalign aligners offer a comfortable orthodontic experience without the discomfort often associated with metal brackets and wires.

Predictable Results

With Invisalign, your orthodontist can precisely plan and predict the movement of your teeth, ensuring consistent progress and ultimately achieving the smile you've always desired.

What to Look Forward To

At OrthoMike Orthodontics, your journey with Invisalign starts with a full evaluation. During this appointment, we'll look at your smile and talk about your treatment goals. If you decide that Invisalign is right for you, we'll make a treatment plan that fits your needs accurately.

You'll be given a set of clear aligners that you should wear, one after the other. Each one is meant to slowly move your teeth into place. You'll come back to our office for progress checks and to get your next set of aligners at different points during your treatment. After your treatment is over, Dr. Mike will tell you to wear retainers to keep your new, straight smile.

Teen Orthodontics

In order for orthodontists to identify possible problems early on and arrange for prompt treatment when needed, the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) suggests that children get their first orthodontic evaluation by the age of seven.

For several reasons, orthodontic treatment during adolescence might be highly advantageous. Aside from fixing misaligned teeth and jaws, it helps with self-esteem, keeps teeth and gums healthy, and lays the groundwork for future success.

Some advantages of teen orthodontic treatment in Boca Raton include:

Timely Intervention

Early detection allows orthodontists to identify and address potential issues before they become more complicated, setting the stage for successful treatment.

Adolescent Advantage

During the teenage years, the jaw is still growing, making it an opportune time for orthodontic treatment. This growth phase enables orthodontists to achieve optimal correction, guiding teeth into their proper alignment with greater ease.

Confidence Boost

By addressing orthodontic issues early on, adolescents can experience a significant boost in confidence, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of positive self-image.

Preventive Measures

Correcting orthodontic issues during adolescence is also about preventive care. By intervening early, teens can avoid more serious dental problems down the road, such as tooth decay, gum disease, and jaw pain.

Improved Oral Health

With proper alignment, teens can reduce the risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues, ensuring a healthier smile for years to come.

Adult Orthodontics

With orthodontic treatment, busy adults in Boca Raton can achieve more than just a straighter smile. It will complement their lifestyle and improve their overall health. Although braces are more commonly associated with teenagers, adults can also gain a lot from regular orthodontic checkups and treatment.

Flexible Treatment Options

We understand that maintaining a professional appearance is essential for adults. That's why we offer discreet treatment options like clear aligners or lingual braces.

Minimal Lifestyle Disruption

Busy adults can still prioritize their professional and personal commitments with our adult orthodontic treatments. With shorter treatment times and fewer office visits, you can achieve your desired smile without significant disruption to your busy schedule.

Improved Oral Health

By addressing orthodontic issues, adults can reduce the risk of dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, and jaw pain, ensuring long-term oral health and well-being.

Enhanced Confidence

A confident smile can make a significant impact on personal and professional interactions. Adult orthodontic treatment empowers individuals to feel more confident and self-assured, leading to improved quality of life and success in various aspects.

Orthodontic Excellence in Boca Raton


Orthodontic Consultation Options

  • Call your preferred office location to schedule a consultation, Boca Raton 561-806-7846 or Wellington 561-793-9888
  • Click "Schedule Your Free Consultation" button at the top of the page to Book Online
  • Start a Virtual Consultation and receive an estimate by clicking the button in the bottom left
  • Start a chat to answer any initial questions by clicking the button in the bottom right

Open in Boca Raton All Saturdays 8:30 AM-4:30 PM
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