Retainer Care

What are Retainers?

After braces are removed, Dr. Wiernicki will recommend a retainer for you based on your individual bite. Each of these types of retainers are important to hold the upper and lower teeth in their finished positions. There are three types of retainers:

  • The Clear Plastic Retainers are called Essix Retainers.
  • The Retainers with the Metal Wire across the front teeth are called Hawley Retainers.
  • Lastly, Permanent Retainers are  retainers that are glued in on the inside of the teeth, and cannot be removed.
When do I need to wear my Retainers?

Wear your retainers 24/7 for the first six months, then every night to sleep unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Wiernicki.

How do I take care of my Retainers?

When your retainers are not in your mouth, ALWAYS put them in their case. Never wrap your retainer in a napkin, or place in your pocket. Most retainers are lost at school during lunch time, at restaurants, or while visiting a friends house. In addition, keep them away from pets; unfortunately, they love to chew on your retainers.

Clean retainers twice per day with a toothbrush and toothpaste using cold water. Brushing your retainer(s) removes buildup of plaque and eliminates odors. One to two times per week you may use Efferdent, Polident, or other orthodontic cleaner tablets. Soak your retainers in this cleaning solution, then scrub them with your toothbrush.

Keep in mind that retainers should not be rinsed with hot water, or left in warm places. This can bend and distort them.

What do I do if I lost or broke my retainer?

Retainers may break, so please treat them with care! If your retainers are lost or broken, please call us immediately.

If you have any concerns about your retainers or your retainers need adjusting, please do not hesitate to call us. Do not try to adjust them yourself. Make sure to always bring your retainer(s) to your next appointment.

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